Audition Process for University
- Must be made through UCAS
- Personal statement
Shakespeare Piece:
- Don’t worry if you haven’t explored Shakespeare!
- The approach is the same as any other monologue
- Watch productions – Globe Player, Digital Theatre+, YouTube etc.
Contemporary Piece:
- Choose a piece within your age rage
- Be brave with impulses
- I would suggest recording 3 times and picking the best – Don’t overdo it!
Short song:
- Sing a song which gives you the most characterisation through song
Outcomes – 2-3 Weeks – Recall – Waiting List
Recall in-person audition:
- Have a headshot!
- Be prepared to have an interview – but don’t spend too much time thinking about the right thing to say. They want to meet you, not the version you think they want you to be.
- Wear comfy clothes – preferably black as it is neat
- Write a personal statement involving your interests
- Dance and physical movement
- Contextualise your script
- Revisit your self-tape pieces – may be asked to do a different one – Be prepared.
Things I learnt:
- It is a competitive industry – People who have had more training may seem slightly further ahead, but not always – Try your best!
- People who are able to develop take criticism – It’s the process
Your Monologue
- What is the tone?
- Who are you?
- Where are we?
- What’s the relationship?
- What is the drive of the conversation?
Spend a lot on the 1st and last line. The impact
How to find shifts in the monologue:
- Where am I directing my energy
- Pick a monologue which is when you’re speaking to a character
- Pick a monologue you enjoy doing
- Pick a speech that sparks joy (especially with contemporary
- Watch performances from:
- National Theatre
- Digital Theatre +